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HH MC Server Rules

The following rules are accepted by every player on the server:

1. DO NOT use inappropriate language or chat about inappropriate topics, keep all chat family friendly! PS: This includes abbreviations that include profanity. 


2. DO NOT use hacks on this server! If you aren't sure if something is okay to use, ask a staff member.


3. DO NOT grief! Respect other players' builds, do not break anything that belongs to someone else without their permission, and don't build too close to other players.


4. DO NOT give out your personal info to other players.


5. DO NOT bully or be rude to other players, always be kind!


6. DO NOT beg for staff positions or for OP/special permissions. 


7. DO NOT  frequently advertise or spam.


8. YOU MAY post links, but please keep all links appropriate and safe. Do not post misleading or dangerous links.


9. DO be a kind, helpful, and respectful player!


10. DO keep skins and usernames appropriate. 


11.  DO ask staff if you have any questions or need clarification on any of these rules, we are happy to help! Use the /msg feature to send a staff member a message, or /mail send if the staff member is offline. 


Temporary and permanent bans will be issued to players who break rules. The type of ban and ban period will be set according to the rule(s) broken. 
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